The best-seller of our train collections. Advanced quality and reasonable price, the no doubtful star product which is ready to buy at any time. Engine power is selectable from electric and efficient diesel. Coach forms range from fully-open to fully-close. Train body pattern can be customized. &nbs… view more
Double Decker (Rail)
It’s like the sweetest dream of Peter Pan. Which produced in the Willy Wonka’s factory. It’s painted with Alice’s fantasy’s colors. This luxury designed double deck it’s a presentation of dream and art. It absolutely delights the projects’ destinations. The color is selectable. The materials are the… view more
Vintage Style Railway Train V
Another Best rail train seller. This rail train has the best motive force model and the most solid configuration. It designed in a nostalgia style which intimates the original rail trains in England. It is applicable for extreme geographic conditions. Such as snow mountains and rain forest. The col… view more
brother train
About Us
Toot-Toot GREETING! We are Tianjin Brother Train Co., Ltd, The FIRST and BEST train brand of China. We established in 1993. Ever since then, we continue expressing the joy of riding all around the world for over 25 years..
Our main products are Tire tourist train, Rail tourist train, Tram, Vintage steam train, electric train. view more